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  • Financing
  • Asset Management
  • financial services
  • Alternative investment
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Financing-10 years of impact
In 2021 the MELLAT Investment Bank celebrates 10 years of improving Financing in the country. The MIB is the lending arm of all the States in Iran and the biggest multilateral lender. Since opening its doors in September 2010 it has financed and invested in hundreds of companies and projects, from start-ups to massive programs such as the Oil and Steel companies.
Financing-Capital raising for Mellat Investment Bank
The Extraordinary general meeting for Mellat Investment Bank (Publicly listed) was held on Saturday, 18th October, 2020 considering advice on public health and social measures in the context of COVID-19. Meanwhile, the meeting was resulted in approving raising the capital to 11,000 IRR by shareholders .
Financing-Extraordinary General Meeting of Mellat Investment Bank
The Extraordinary general meeting for Mellat Investment Bank (Publicly listed) will be held on Saturday, 18th October, 2020 considering advice on public health and social measures in the context of COVID-19. Notice is hereby given to invite the shareholders to the EG Meeting on aforementioned date at the company headquarters or informing to follow the meeting live on company's website.
Financing-MIB, Leader of private sector financing
MIB managed to finance more than 100 thousands billion IRI for private sector companies and businesses in recent six months. This not only set a brilliant record for MIB and put it in the first place by far, but also has been a significant move toward surge in production as this year.
Financing-CEO of Mellat Bank visited MIB
Visiting MIB, CEO of Mellat Bank stated: Investment Banks presents vast opportunities in driving country's overarching growth over next years. Accompanied by his extended leadership team, the visit was a testament of the bank commitment to MIB and highlighting positive and encouraging developments of MIB.