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  • Financing
  • Asset Management
  • financial services
  • Alternative investment
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Financing-Quarterly Financial reports for MIB
Unaudited financial reports of MIB for the first quarter of this year, has been published stating growth in both operating income and profitability. MIB has announced 161 IRR EPS and covering 25% of net profit forecast based on 1399 budget plan.
Financing-A significant headway in financing the steel industry
The third stage of issuing the standard parallel bonds for hot rolled sheet of Mobarakeh Steel Company, worth 10 thousands billion IRR was accomplished on July 22 with the participation of MIB and on Iran Mercantile Exchange. The whole bonds were sold in minutes and set a new record.
Asset Management-The Important role of market making in ETFs
The new guideline of SEO regarding the 10% fluctuation range for ETFs are scheduled to be implemented on July 7th, In this context Mehdi Abdi, Investment manager at MIB, declares this new procedure underscore the need for market making in Investment funds more than ever.
Financing-Profitable approach to production
Standard parallel salaf paper for hot rolled steel sheets of Esfahan's Mobarakeh Steel Company has been issued with cooperation of Mellat Investment Bank in 3 stages. MIB is taken the role of underwriter and market maker in issuing these papers.
Financing-The first meeting of the Iranian Investment Institutions Association
The first meeting of the board of directors of the Iranian Investment Institutions Association, was held today, Tuesday, June 30th. In this session, Jafar Rabeie, the CEO of PGPIC and Rouhollah Hosseini Moghaddam, CEO of MIB had been elected as chairman of the board and Vice chairman of the board.