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  • با انتخاب هریک از گروهها، اخبار مربوط به آن گروه را مشاهده خواهید کرد. برای بازگشت به حالت اولیه کلید "نمایش همگی" را فشار دهید
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  • یک گروه را انتخاب کنید...
  • Financing
  • Asset Management
  • financial services
  • Alternative investment
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تاریخ مخابره
Financing-Successful underwriting of Shiraz municipality’s securities by Mellat Investment Bank
Underwriting of Shiraz municipality’s securities completed successfully by selling all of these papers at the Bank City branches
Financing-Issuing Shiraz municipality’s securities worth 6000 Billion IRI
The CEO of Mellat Investment Bank announced the issuance of principle agreement for Shiraz municipality’s securities
financial services-Mellat Investment Bank’s new CEO introduced
The ceremony of gratitude for the services of Dr. Massoud Soltan Zali and the introduction of Dr. Ruhollah Hosseini Moghaddam as new CEO of Mellat Investment Bank was held.
Financing-Successful offering of fuel oil parallel salaf papers worth 4000 billion IRI
The third phase of issuing fuel oil parallel salaf papers completed successfully by selling all of these papers.
Financing-Development of financial instruments by regulatory authorities to support production boom
In recent years, financing through development of financial instruments have been among the most important plans of financial regulatory authorities, in order to advance national goals and support domestic production boom