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  • با انتخاب هریک از گروهها، اخبار مربوط به آن گروه را مشاهده خواهید کرد. برای بازگشت به حالت اولیه کلید "نمایش همگی" را فشار دهید
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  • یک گروه را انتخاب کنید...
  • Financing
  • Asset Management
  • financial services
  • Alternative investment
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تاریخ مخابره
Financing-The 11th International Exhibition on Presenting Iran’s Investment Opportunities and Exchange, Banking, Insurance and Privatization
The 11th International Exhibition on Exchange, Banking, Insurance and Privatization took place on 18th to 21st of November 2019, Kish Island, Iran. Mellat Investment Bank hosted multitudes of professionals and visitors.
financial services-Mellat Investment Bank in Iranian petroleum and energy congress and exhibition
The 5th Iranian Petroleum and Energy Club Congress and Exhibition (IPEC 2019) will be held on 8-9, October, 2019, in Tehran, Iran at IRIB International Conference Center.
Asset Management-Moderate Market growth with periodic ups and downs
Hosseini Moghaddam to Securities and Exchange News Agency: Since this year we confronted an increase in NIMA (Iran’s Forex Management Integrated System) exchange rate which shrinks the gap between NIMA rate and free market rate, export-oriented companies and also companies with pricing based on NIMA exchange rate faced growth in profitability.
Financing-Issuing parallel salaf papers worth 5000 billion IRI
The CEO of Mellat Investment Bank announced, Saba-y-Kangan oil and gas industry development Co. issued parallel salaf papers worth 5000 billion IRI, These securities are issued to provide financial resources for Saba development plans on
financial services-The CEO of Mellat Investment Banks, is appointed as a member of Securities & Exchange High Council
With the approval of the cabinet, Seyed Rohollah Hosseini Moghaddam, The CEO of Mellat Investment Bank, joined the council as one of the three financial experts