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  • با انتخاب هریک از گروهها، اخبار مربوط به آن گروه را مشاهده خواهید کرد. برای بازگشت به حالت اولیه کلید "نمایش همگی" را فشار دهید
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  • Financing
  • Asset Management
  • financial services
  • Alternative investment
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Financing-MIB as issuing advisor to ARYA
Arya Sasol recorded the first IPO of IFB with preferred stock, 3,388,079 investors participated in this IPO to create a new record. Mellat Investment Bank provides issuing advisory services among this IPO.
Financing-Report on Annual General Meeting of Mellat Investment Bank
Annual General Meeting of MIB was held on Sunday, 17th May, 2020. An increase in capital and commitments of the company were discussed and Financial statements have been approved. At the suggestion of the board, The dividend would be 500 Rials per share.
Financing-Annual General Meeting of Mellat Investment Bank
The Annual general meeting for Mellat Investment Bank (Publicly listed) will be held on Sunday, 17th May, 2020 considering advice on public health and social measures in the context of COVID-19. Notice is hereby given to invite the shareholders to the Annual General Meeting of Mellat Investment Bank on Sunday, 17 May, 2020 at the company headquarters : No. 6, 7th Alley, Vozara St., Beheshti Ave.,Tehran.
Financing- Mellat Investment Bank has been listed on Tehran Stock Exchange.
Mellat Investment Bank listed on Tehran Stock Exchange as the 536th listed company with the code "6719" and the symbol "TEMELLAT" on Feb 26th, 2020.
Financing-MIB, Winner of 3 star appreciation award of NFA
Mellat Investment Bank, has won the 3 star appreciation award of National Financial Award of Iran. Mellat Investment Bank presents reliable and transparent financial reports making its first appearance. National Financial Award has been held since 1389 as a platform for improving and enhancing the level of financial management in participating companies and organizations.