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  • Financing
  • Asset Management
  • financial services
  • Alternative investment
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Financing-The first issuance of debt securities in 1398
The third phase of the Standard Parallel salaf papers of fuel oil will be issued by National Iranian Oil Company on Sunday,12th of May.
Financing-Supplying industries with the development of financial instruments
Financial institutions should, in line with economic developments, recognize the needs of companies on the agenda, and by conducting timely and comprehensive market research, they can, in addition to expanding their service circle, facilitate business conditions.
Financing-The successful publication of the history of chemistry phenomena of the century
Attendance of Murobah's Papers The Phenomena of the Chemical Society of the Islamic Republic of Iran began on the first day of October in OTC, and the sale of all papers on this day was successful.
Financing-20% share of Mellat Bank
23 trillion rials from securities issued this year to the securities of manufacturing and service companies and Mellat Mellat Corporation has allocated about 20% of the market share among the capital companies.
Financing-Output more than 100 percent of the nation
The investment fund tradable in the "Horizon Mellat" with the Mellat Bank Mellat Funding Management, within four months of its inception, provided investors with more than 100 percent returns.