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  • Financing
  • Asset Management
  • financial services
  • Alternative investment
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Financing-Second phase of Sabay-e-Kangan Issuance
CEO of Mellat Investment Bank has announced, The second phase of Sabay-e-Kangan parallel salaf papers is issued. These papers worth 10.000 billion IRI and are issued to finance development plans. Sabay-e-Kangan salaf papers are with a year to maturity, tradable on Iran Energy Exchange, tax-exempt and each paper represents the rial value of one barrel of condensate on the day of initial release.
Financing-Policy framework during stock market boom
CEO of MIB to Donyay-e-Eghtesad, Capital market is on fire, Ups and downs in stock market are like a continuous cycle and from experience down periods are much longer. Fortunately this recent boom is longer which provides opportunities for implementing effective policies in using nominal capacity of market in order to support financing and modifying corporates' governance.
Financing-9 years of growth and glory
18 Jan 2020 – Mellat Investment Bank celebrates its 9th anniversary. During the last decade, the Investment Bank industry has addressed considerable challenges and achieved many firsts. Throughout that time, Mellat Investment Bank has been at the forefront of financing, asset managing and all other activities affecting the sector.
Financing-The First Finance Conference of Iran
The First Finance Conference of Iran was held on Dec. 24th, focused on financing. Hosseini Moghaddam, the CEO of MIB attended among many other finance and capital market professionals and discussed the 99 budget bill and approaches toward other financial issues.
Alternative investment-Opening of gold coin depositary by Mellat bank
With opening of gold coin depositary by Mellat bank and commencing deals of gold coin certificates, Mellat investment bank as the only active market maker of gold coin certificates with proficient background in this area, has received the license for market making from SEO.