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  • با انتخاب هریک از گروهها، اخبار مربوط به آن گروه را مشاهده خواهید کرد. برای بازگشت به حالت اولیه کلید "نمایش همگی" را فشار دهید
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  • Financing
  • Asset Management
  • financial services
  • Alternative investment
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financial services-A 38% Jump in “TMLT1” Revenues during Shahrivar
With more than 610 billion Rials revenue, TMLT1 had a significant performance in Shahrivar (Persian calendar month, August 23-September 22), recording a 38% jump in its revenues compared to Mordad (Persian calendar month, July 23-August 22). Thus, TMLT1 had gained a total revenue of more than 3000 billion Rials during the first half of 1400 (Persian calendar year, starting March 21, 2021).
financial services-Anticipation for the Initial Public Offering of “Kimia Tak”
The initial public offering of Arian Kimia Tak Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Company will take place on Wednesday this week on the Tehran Stock Exchange (TSE) with Mellat Investment Bank (MIB) as listing consultant and underwriter.
Asset Management-Increasing the Ceiling of the Owj Mellat Investment Fund to 100 Billion Rials
The ceiling of the Owj Mellat Investment Fund was increased from 80 to 100 billion Rials, following the issuance of a permit for increasing ceiling of investment funds by the Securities and Exchange Organization (SEO).
Financing-Financing more than 110,000 billion rials in 2020
MIB to fulfill the slogan of the year had a significant contribution to the leap in production and support of domestic goods. So that this company managed to provide more than 110,000 billion rials of liquidity for the private sector from the capital market.
Financing-24% growth of "Mellatib" income in 2020-2021
Mellat investment bank managed to identify more than 575 billion and 600 million Tomans of revenue in 2021, which shows a 24% growth compared to the previous year.